Special Release: Colombia Eynar Ortiz - Geisha, Washed


Grind Size

Tastes Like: Baked Peach, Jasmine, Honey

Producer: Eynar Ortiz Falla
Farm: Finca La Siberia
Region: Tolima
Municipality: Rio Blanco
Harvested: April to June
Variety: Geisha
Altitude: 1650 MASL
Process: Washed

Einar’s past and childhood years were marked by coffee cultivation. His parents and grandparents taught him to produce coffee and instilled in him the passion for the product. Einar has been working in his own coffee business for more than 20 years now and his expectations and goals have always been to improve the quality of the coffee he produces. One day in 2005, Einar attended to a coffee workshop with other 26 coffee growers from the same region. When the workshop ended, they got together to speak about their challenges and expectations. That was when they decided to start a cooperative the 26 of them. This with the objective of strengthening the production and commercialization of coffee in the region. Since then, Einar’s main motivation has been to produce specialty coffee that consumers all over the world can enjoy.

Starting with the production of specialty coffee has been a huge change in Einar’s economic life. The quality of their coffee has improved more than 100% and that is reflected in the price that they receive for the product. Everything that Einar does on the farm, every activity and every process is thinking about how to improve in terms of quality, infrastructure, and as a person. What makes him most proud of his farm, is that it represents the fruit of his hard work. Every day, Einar learns something new, and in the short-term, Einar plans to renovate his drying stations and improve harvest after harvest.

Espresso Recipe

While it's worth noting all machines and grinders are different, here's where we'd start, then play around and tune it to your setup!

Dose: 21 grams
Yield: 45 grams
Time: 28-32 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/2.1


These are roasted light, with great developement.. so leaves us running a couple recipes:

Light & Bright
Dose: 19 grams
Yield: 56 grams
Time: 17-18 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/2.9

Syrupy & Sweet
Dose: 19 grams
Yield: 58 grams
Time: 24-28 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/3

This is based on our commercial machine at the following parameters:

Pressure - 6 Bar
Temp - 95 Degrees Celsius
Basket - 20g VST
Shower screen - IMS

Single Cup Filter Recipe

Pour Over
Dose - 15g
Water -
Temp - 100 Degrees

0:00 Bloom - 35g
0:30 First Pour - up to 140g
1:05 Second Pour - 195g
1:45 Third Pour - 255g
Brew time 2:45 to 3:00

Check out James Hoffmans Youtube for an awesome bloom technique, and use the Rao Spin after each pour.

Use the inverted method
Dose: 13g
Water: 220g
Brew Time: 1:30
Press Time: 30sec
Extend brew time to make it stronger, shorten brew time if you want a mellower brew.

Batch Brew Recipes

General Specs
Ratio: 1:17
TDS: 1.25 - 1.35
Ext %: 20-21%

Breville Precision Brewer
Temp: 95 Degrees Celsius
Flow Rate: Fast
Bloom: 30 seconds
Basket: Flat bottom gold
Filter Paper: Melitta 8 - 12 cup
Dose: 70 grams
Water: 1,200 ml
Ratio (dry coffee:water): 1:17

Temp: 94 Degrees Celsius
Brew Time: 4:15
Pulses: 10
Pre-Wet: 15%
Pre-Wet Delay: 1:00
Drip Delay: 1:15
Dose: 120 grams
Water: 2050 ml
Ratio (dry coffee:water): 1:17